Bog Orange Cornhole Tournament poster

Big Orange Cornhole Tournament

September 28, 2024

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2024 - 10:00AM

The Mountain Mile Mall and Big Orange Cornhole are teaming up to host an open-format cornhole tournament!

Bring your partner (BYOP) and bring your own bags. Each team will play 6 games using the rounder format. After rounders, teams will be split into 3 tiers to compete in double-elimination tournaments.

$120 per team with 90% payout of all entry fees: 60% to Tier One - 25% to tier TWO - 15% to tier THREE.

Cash and prizes will be awarded to the top three teams in each tier.

REGISTER EARLY and pay by August 15 to be entered into a prizze raffle worth $250+. Register after Sept. 1: Add $5 per player up thru Sept. 27th. Registration closes at 9:30am on 9/28. Event day registration is $10 more per player.

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